Page 43 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 43

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk

                     Don't panic! Being in Taiwan, you              別驚慌!在臺灣生活要能夠
                     have to get used to earthquakes and            適應,時常出現颱風及地震

                     typhoons.                                      的環境。

                     I would like to lead everyone in a             我希望今天能帶領大家進行,

                     disaster preparedness drill on taking          當地震發生時,我們要如何
                     refuge during an earthquake.                   避難的防災演練。

                     Keep in mind these three words when            當地震發生時,請記得避難
                     you feel a quake: Drop, Cover, and             的三個步驟:「趴下」、「掩

                     Hold.                                          護」及「穩住」。

                     If there are not any sturdy tables             如果身邊沒有堅固的桌子,
                     nearby, then you can take refuge under         可以躲在相對堅固的傢俱、
                     some other strong furniture, or solid          樑柱或牆壁角落,以手保護

                     structural beams like in a doorway or          頸部跟頭部。

                     a corner, with your hands over your
                     neck and head for protection.

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