Page 44 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 44

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      Since we tend to get injured by falling        當地震搖晃時,高處掉落的物
                      objects during earthquakes, the first          體可能使我們受傷,所以第一

                      step is to squat down, then find a             步便是「蹲下」;接下來則是
                      protective shield, and hold on to              找「掩護」,最後是握住堅固

                      something to steady yourself.                  物體來「穩住」自己!

                      The correct action is not to crouch            正確的動作是採雙膝跪姿將

                      down but to kneel down and hold on             頭部壓低而不是蹲下。雙手

                      the table’s legs instead of covering           則是要緊握桌腳而非用手去
                      your head with your hands.                     保護頭部。

                      When assisting people in wheelchairs           如果有乘坐輪椅之行動不便
                      during earthquakes, you need to                者,當地震發生時,第一件

                      first lock the wheels, then protect            事是要鎖住車輪;再來是拿
                      the person’s head or neck with some            物品或以手臂保護頭部或頸

                      object or his/her own hands, and               部,並且保持坐姿直至震動
                      maintain a sitting posture until the           停止。

                      quaking stops.

                      Learning proper methods for taking             學會正確的避難方法,是保護

                      refuge is the best way to protect              自己及守護家人之最佳方式。
                      yourself and your family.

                      Food and water are the most                    緊急糧食以乾糧跟水為必要。
                      basic supplies, and you will need a            準備的份量大約是 3 日份。

                      minimum of three days’ worth.

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