Page 47 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 47

Practical English for Police Officers

                     A:     There was a constant trembling this morning.

                            I thought I must be dizzy.

                            We don’t have earthquakes in my hometown, Ho Chi Minh City.

                            I was scared to death!

                     W:     Don't panic!

                            Being in Taiwan, you have to get used to earthquakes and

                            typhoons. So, I would like to lead everyone in a disaster
                            preparedness drill on taking refuge during an earthquake.

                     S:     That’s great!

                            When the earthquake happened this morning, all the books fell

                            off the shelves in our home.

                     W:     Exactly, that’s what happens!

                            Keep in mind these three words when you feel a quake: Drop

                            ( 趴下 ), Cover ( 掩護 ), and Hold ( 穩住 ).

                            Since we tend to get injured by falling objects during
                            earthquakes, the first step is to squat down, then find a

                            protective shield, and hold on to something to steady yourself.

                            Please follow what I do right now.

                     Angela and Samantha followed the instructions and squatted down

                     near a table and shielded their heads with their hands.

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