Page 46 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 46

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      情境對話                 Dialogue

                    Disaster Preparedness Without Borders

                         To improve the disaster preparedness understanding for new

                    immigrants and migrant workers, the Greenlake County Fire Department

                    ( 翠湖縣政府消防局 ) put together an information awareness program ( 災
                    防教育宣導 ).

                         Sergeant Wang and his team members developed a series of

                    activities to facilitate disaster preparedness knowledge on the part of
                    participants through fun-based challenges ( 挑戰闖關 ).

                         In the first phase, Sergeant Wang aimed to disseminate information

                    to new immigrants and migrant workers on the proper ways for taking

                    refuge in the event of an earthquake.

                     W = Sergeant Wang =王小隊長

                     C = Firefighter Chen =陳隊員

                     A = Angela =安琪拉

                     S = Samantha =莎曼莎

                     W:     Hello! I am Sergeant Wang, from the Greenlake County Fire


                            Did you feel something strange like the earth-shaking around six
                            o’clock this morning?

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