Page 45 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 45

Practical English for Police Officers

                     Other necessary items in the                   保 溫 輕 便 毛 毯、 雨 衣 及 毛
                     emergency kit are thermal blankets,            巾,也是應放置在避難包裡

                     raincoats, and towels, for keeping             的必要物品,可在避難時禦
                     your body warm.                                寒保暖。

                     Medical and hygiene supplies are               醫療用品及清潔消毒用品也
                     also necessary items to be included            是避難包的重要一環。除應

                     in the emergency kit. In addition to           放置急救包外,還可以放入

                     the first-aid kit, you may want to carry       殺菌劑、除菌劑、口罩、衛
                     disinfectant, sanitizer, face masks,           生紙及個人藥物。
                     toilet paper and personal medications.

                     I would also like to remind you to             要提醒大家的是:緊急避難

                     check and replace all perishable or            包裡頭的物品,每半年便要
                     expired items in the emergency kit             定期檢查一次,並更新淘汰

                     every six months.                              那些過期物品。

                     Keep the kit in a handy spot for easy          平時便要將避難包放置在便

                     fetching. With the kit in hand, plus a         利拿取的地方,並另放置安
                     helmet and shoes, you are all set.             全帽及鞋子,這樣您便做了

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