Page 63 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 63

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Cooperate With the Inspection

                     You are suspected of carrying                  有人檢舉貴船隻涉嫌載運違

                     contraband goods.                              禁品。

                     We have legitimate grounds to                  我們有正當理由,認有違反

                     conduct the right of visit as you are          法令之虞,將實施登船臨檢。
                     violating laws.

                     Please cooperate with us for the               請配合接受檢查。

                     Stop the ship immediately and                  立即停船,配合檢查。
                     cooperate with the inspection.

                     The whole process will be videotaped           過程中我們全程錄影,以保障

                     to safeguard your rights, please               您的權益。請大家配合檢查。
                     cooperate with us.

                     We would like to check the crew                我們要核對船員名單。

                     Under which country is this ship               您的船籍隸屬於哪一個國家?

                     Where was your last port of call?              這艘船上一次是停靠哪裡?

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