Page 64 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 64

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      It is against the laws to smuggle              依據《海關緝私條例》及《菸
                      cigarettes to our country according            酒管理法》,未經許可私運

                      to the “Customs Anti-smuggling                 香菸進入我國是違法行為。
                      Act” and the “Tobacco and Alcohol

                      Administration Act”.

                      We shall escort the ship ashore                我們依法將船帶回我國進行

                      for further investigation and other            進一步調查及後續程序。


                      All crew members will be taken to              船上全體人員均需遵守防疫

                      a designated location for 14 days’             規定,先在指定處所進行 14

                      quarantine.                                    天之隔離。

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