Page 67 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 67

Practical English for Police Officers

                     L:     I am the captain of Boat PP10018, Coast Guard Administration,
                            Ocean Affairs Council of the Republic of China.

                            We are conducting a legitimate security inspection.

                            The whole process will be videotaped to safeguard your rights,
                            please cooperate with us.

                     Team Leader Wang checked and confirmed the basic information of

                     the crew.

                     W:     Who is the shipmaster?

                            What’s your name and nationality?

                     N:     It’s me.

                            I am the shipmaster.

                            My name is Duc Ngo, and I’m a Vietnamese.

                     W:     We would like to check the crew manifest ( 船員名單 ).

                     The ship master handed over the list of crew members.

                     W:     How many crew members?

                     N:     Two Vietnamese and ten Burmese.

                     W:     Under which country is this ship registered?

                     N:     Togolese Republic ( 多哥共和國 ).

                     W:     Where was your last port of call?

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