Page 69 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 69

Practical English for Police Officers

                     In addition, those cigarettes are counterfeit goods, which will certainly
                     be detrimental to the health of our nationals.

                     Ho immediately reported the result of the inspection to both Squad
                     Leader Liu and the Duty Command Center ( 海巡隊部勤務指揮中心 )
                     by simultaneous radio transmission. The case will be followed up by

                     authorities in customs ( 關務單位 ), the police ( 警政單位 ) and the
                     bureau of treasury of local government ( 地方政府財政局 ) for further


                     Liu then informed the shipmaster of the following procedures

                     L:     We have just found contraband cigarettes in the hold of your


                            It is against the laws to smuggle cigarettes to our country

                            according to the “Customs Anti-smuggling Act” and the
                            “Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act”.

                     N:     We were entrusted by someone to transport the packed cargo,
                            and unaware of the contents.

                     L:     We will continue to check crew quarters, and all areas of the

                            ship, to confirm whether there are more cigarettes or other
                            contraband goods.

                            And the whole process will be videotaped.

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