Page 25 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 25

Practical English for Employees of Transportation Enterprises

                     實用句型 1                  Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Introducing Agency and Making Job Description

                     Hello, welcome to the Nova Station.            歡迎光臨新星火車站,我是

                     I am the Vice Station Master Paul              副站長黃保羅。今天帶大家
                     Huang. It’s my pleasure to make my             認識一下副站長的一天在做

                     job descriptions for you.                      些什麼吧!

                     As the Station Master on duty, I am            平常值班時我就是值班站長,

                     responsible for the safety and the             代表站長處理一切事務,必
                     efficient operation of the station on          須兼顧行車運轉與客運業務,

                     behalf of the Station Master.                  面面俱到。

                     I usually stay in the operation room           我平常待在行車室監看中央

                     to supervise the Centralized Traffic           行車控制系統,注意看盤、
                     Control system, and ensure the normal          號誌是否正常,遇到誤點要

                     operation of the boards and signals.           調整列車資訊顯示系統。
                     And I have to make adjustments for

                     the train information display system
                     in time whenever there are delayed


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