Page 27 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 27

Practical English for Employees of Transportation Enterprises

                     With a view to ensuring safety for             除了運轉人員例行的轉轍器
                     passengers, we usually proceed                 保養,其他像配合號誌段號

                     maintenance and repairing for railway          誌維修、電力段電車線維修
                     switches, signal system, and power             等,為了維護乘客安全,多

                     transmission lines between midnight            在深夜與清晨進行。
                     and dawn.

                     After we have confirmed the finishing          待確認維修工作結束與人員

                     of maintenance and repairs, and                撤離,才能進行鐵道通電與
                     evacuation of all technical workers,           解除封鎖。這些工作都必須
                     we will restore power supply and lift          在首班車到達前完成,時間

                     lockdown. We are under high pressure            壓力非常大。

                     since we have to complete all the
                     assignments before arrival of the first-
                     run train.

                     In the long run, we have to help               總而言之,只要在車站內旅

                     solve various kinds of questions of            客的各種疑難雜症,我們都
                     passengers. We hope to provide                 要處理,希望能讓所有乘客

                     customer service experiences in                快樂出遊,平安回家,感受
                     hospitality to all passengers. And they        我們的服務熱誠!

                     will travel happily and return home

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