Page 26 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 26

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                      There is an alert advice of Centralized        系統設有警醒裝置,依據不
                      Traffic Control system; which helps            同 警 醒 提 示 音 判 斷 列 車 方

                      me to tell the incoming train is               向,隨時起身到月臺進行列
                      northbound or southbound. And I                車監視。

                      have to supervise the incoming trains
                      at any time.

                      In particular, I have to pay attention to      尤其要留心乘客是否安全上

                      the passengers getting on and off the          下車。
                      trains on the platforms.

                      Also, it is my responsibility to signalize     如果列車要發車,我要以關
                      the train masters to close the doors.          門號訊通知列車長關閉車門。

                      Then, I have to send signals for the           接著,還要顯示出發號訊通
                      drivers for departure.                         知司機員開車。

                      I have to be aware of the passage of           如果有通過列車也要留意,
                      trains as well. It is also my duty to          要起身到月臺進行列車監視,

                      supervise the passing trains.                  注意軌道與通過列車是否有

                      We cannot take a break when we                 夜間值班也不能休息,營業
                      work a night shift. Our team has lots          時間結束後,許多任務才要

                      of assignments to complete after               開始。
                      office hours.

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