Page 28 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 28

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                      重要詞彙 1                  Words & Phrases

                     Vice Station Master (N.)                         車站副站長

                     Station Master (N.)                              車站站長

                     efficient (Adj.)                                 有效率的

                     operation (N.)                                   操作;運轉

                     supervise (V.)                                   監督;指導

                     delayed (Adj.)                                   延誤的;延遲的;延期的

                     northbound (Adj.)                                北上

                     southbound (Adj.)                                南下

                     passenger (N.)                                   乘客

                     train master (N.)                                列車長

                     driver (N.)                                      司機員

                     be aware of (V phr.)                             注意到;察覺到;意識到

                     take a break (V phr.)                            休息

                     maintenance (N.)                                 維護;保養

                     railway switch (N.)                              轉轍器

                     signal system (N.)                               號誌系統

                     power transmission (N.)                          電力傳輸

                     evacuation (N.)                                  撤離;撤退;疏散

                     the first-run train (N.)                         首班車

                     hospitality (N.)                                 熱情好客;殷勤招待;款待

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