Page 30 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 30

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                         ▼    on one’s behalf(代表……)


                            The president can’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on his

                         ▼    in behalf of(以……的名義)

                            A carnival was planned in behalf of the church.


                         ▼    pay attention(仔細看、聽或思考)關注;注意

                            You should pay attention to the "No Parking" sign.

                            You never pay attention to me.


                            Many people don't pay attention during meetings.


                    ★  in case 是連接詞片語,用來描述「我們要預先做好某些準備,以防萬一」。

                         ▼    常用結構為「in case + 子句」。

                            Take an umbrella with you in case it rains!

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