Page 33 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 33

Practical English for Employees of Transportation Enterprises

                     In addition, we provide life insurance         此外,我們提供壽險的服務。

                     Moreover, we sell stamps, post cards,          還有出售各種郵票、明信片、

                     and stamp-collecting goods.                    集郵票 ( 商 ) 品等。

                     Our company regularly issues various           我們郵局定期都會推出各種

                     theme stamps, stamp folios, and                主題郵票、專冊、年度郵票
                     stamp yearbooks. They are not only             冊等,不僅美觀而且有保存

                     beautiful, but also value-preserving.          價值。

                     Honoring our customers with honest             「以客為尊、提供誠信效率的

                     and efficient services has been our            服務」一直都是郵局的使命,
                     optimal mission. We do appreciate              希望大家能多多支持我們。

                     your support.

                                                                                                  POSTAL SERVICE
                                                                  KYOTO                MUMBAI

                                                             POSTAL SERVICE        POSTAL SERVICE

                                                                HONG KONG            KUALA LUMPUR

                                                                                    POSTAL SERVICE

                                                            POSTAL SERVICE                     0.37$

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