Page 32 - Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank
P. 32

Training for Employees of Transportation Enterprises Promotion
                        from Middle Rank to Senior Rank

                      實用句型 2                  Practical Sentence Patterns

                      Welcome to the Horse Road Post                 歡迎光臨大馬路郵局,我是經

                      Office. I am Manager Peter Wu.                 理吳彼得。郵局是街坊的好鄰
                      Post offices are good neighbors                居,今天由我為大家介紹郵局

                      for everyone. It’s my pleasure to              和支局經理的工作內容。
                      introduce our branch and make a job

                      description for you.

                      I currently work as the Manager to             我的職務是經理,主要督導
                      supervise and manage all affairs of            郵局的各項業務得以順利完
                      the post office. Now, let me make an           成。接下來就來介紹一下這

                      introduction.                                  些業務的內容。

                      First of all, we are in charge of the          首先,我們負責郵務作業,
                      postal services including mailing,             也就是大家熟悉的郵件收寄。
                      tracking services, and so on.

                      As for the postal savings, they include        儲匯部分,就是大家所熟知

                      passbook, postal giro, domestic                的存簿、劃撥儲金及國內匯
                      remittance service, and so on.                 兌等業務。

                      We also provide foreign currency               我們也提供兌換外幣及國際
                      exchange and international remittance          匯款等外匯服務。


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