Page 54 - Training for Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank
P. 54

Training for Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank
                        (including Training for Police Officers Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank)

                    Exchanging Business Cards

                    Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Mayor Kuo, and next to him, let’s

                    meet Director-General Lee of the Department of Urban Development.

                    Additionally, since the planning and development of the Smart City is
                    related to the Department of Public Works (DOPW) ( 工務局 ) and the
                    Department of Transportation (DOT) ( 交通局 ), we have also invited

                    Director-General Lin of DOPW and Director-General Chen of DOT,





                    Our Department of Urban Development is responsible for the

                    overall coordination of planning for the Smart City. The Department
                    is supervised and led by Deputy Director-General Huang and has

                    four sections: Construction Management Division ( 建築管理科 ) led
                    by Division Chief Zhao, Urban Design Division ( 都市設計科 ) led by

                    Division Chief Wu, Housing Engineering Division ( 住 宅工 程科 ) led
                    by Division Chief Tsai, and Comprehensive Planning Division ( 綜合

                    企劃科 ) led by Division Chief Zhou.


                    另本局下設 4 個科,分別為建築管理科趙科長、都市設計科吳科長、住宅工


                    Please be seated as designated. Have you found your seat? Our Mayor
                    Kuo will come to this meeting shortly.


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