Page 20 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 20

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                      According to the latest regulations,           依據最新的法規規定,騎腳
                      riding a bicycle while intoxicated is          踏車酒駕將會被處以新臺幣

                      subject to a fine from NTD 600 to NTD          600 至 1,200 元罰鍰。

                      If you refuse to take a breathalyzer           如果您拒絕配合我們的檢測,
                      test, then you will be fined NTD 2,400.        將處以新臺幣 2,400 元罰鍰。

                      You are allowed to rinse your mouth            您可以酒測前先漱口。

                      before the breathalyzer test.

                      Please blow into the breathalyzer until        請對著酒測器吹氣,直到有

                      the number shows.                              數字顯示為止。

                      The test shows that your alcohol level         您的吐氣測試結果,所含酒

                      is 0.23 mg/l, which exceeds the legal          精 濃 度 已 達 每 公 升 0.23 毫
                      limit 0.15mg/l.                                克,已經超過每公升 0.15 毫

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