Page 19 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 19

Practical English for Police Officers

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    DUI Checkpoints

                     Ma’am, please pull over.                       這位女士,請靠邊停車。

                     I stopped you because you just made            我將您攔下來是因為您剛才
                     an illegal right turn on a red light.          違規紅燈右轉。

                     Please show me your driver’s license,          請出示您的駕照、行照以及
                     vehicle registration, and Alien                居留證。

                     Resident Certificate (ARC).

                     I am issuing you a ticket for violating        依據《道路交通管理處罰條
                     Article 53 of the “Road Traffic                例》第 53 條,我將舉發您的
                     Management and Penalty Act”.                   違規行為,給您舉發通知單。

                     If you dispute the ticket, you may             如不服舉發者,得於通知單

                     bring this ticket and your statement to        所載期限內向處罰機關陳述
                     the charging authority by the deadline         意見。

                     listed on the ticket.

                     I can smell alcohol on your breath, so         我們聞到您身上有酒味,請

                     you are required to take a breathalyzer        您配合實施酒測。

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