Page 22 - Promotion Training for Police Officers
P. 22

Promotion Training for Police Officers

                     W:     Ma’am, I am issuing you a ticket for violating Article 53 of the
                            “Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act” ( 道路交通管理處罰
                            條例 ).

                            The fine is NTD 600.

                     Squad Leader Wu fills out the “Notification of Road Traffic Violation”
                     ( 舉發違反道路交通管理事件通知單 ).

                     W:     Ma’am, please sign the traffic ticket.

                            If you dispute the ticket, you may bring this ticket and your
                            statement to the charging authority by the deadline listed on
                            the ticket.

                            You are free to go now.

                     Officer Cheng hears a crash as he is finishing up Jenny’s case and goes
                     to check the scene.

                     An international resident, George, lost control of his YouBike and

                     C:     Are you OK, Sir?

                            How can I help you?

                     George suffered no injuries.

                     Officer Cheng detects a smell of alcohol on him and gets ready to
                     conduct a breathalyzer test.

                     C:     I can smell alcohol on your breath, so you are required to take

                            a breathalyzer test.

                            Thank you for your cooperation.

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