Page 31 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 31

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants

                     實用句型                Practical Sentence Patterns

                    Hotline and Civil Service

                     This is the Fullerton Citizen Hotline          富樂登市民熱線您好!很高

                     operator.                                      興為您服務!

                     How may I help you?

                     How may I address you, sir?                    請問您如何稱呼?

                     Let me check.                                  我為您查詢一下,請稍候。

                     Hold the line, please.

                     In order to ensure your rights as well         為維護您的權益、避免重複

                     as discourage repetitious calls or             撥打及惡意檢舉,人民陳情
                     malicious reports, callers are asked           反映案件應留下真實姓名及

                     to leave their legal name and contact          聯絡方式。

                     Could you provide me with your                 是否能請您提供您的大名及
                     name and phone number for further              電話,以便我們進一步聯繫

                     contact?                                       您嗎?

                     Is there anything else I can help you          還有什麼我能效勞的地方嗎?

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