Page 35 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 35

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants

                     C = Catherine =凱薩琳

                     H = Mr. Hung, 1999 hotline operator = 1999 話務人員洪先生

                     H:     This is the Fullerton Citizen Hotline operator.

                            What can I do for you?

                     C:     Yes. I’d like to complain about a bus driver who didn’t stop for


                     H:     May I have your name, please?

                     C:     I am Catherine Gardner.

                     H:     Hi, Mrs. Gardner. Could you please give me the bus number or
                            license plate? Also, the date and time of the incident and the

                            name of the bus stop.

                     C:     It happened just a little while ago. I think it must have been
                            around a quarter to 9.

                            I’m on my way to the office. I didn’t catch the license plate
                            number, but it was the 602 bus.

                     H:     What bus stop are you currently at?

                     C:     Let’s see. I’m at Greenlake Park on the route to Fullerton

                     H:     In order to ensure your rights as well as discourage repetitious

                            calls or malicious reports, callers are asked to leave their legal
                            name and contact information.

                            Could you provide me with your name and phone number for

                            further contact?

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