Page 33 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 33

Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants

                     情境對話                 Dialogue

                    Citizen Hotline 1999, Fullerton

                        As a way to provide faster, more convenient and more efficient

                    citizen services, the Fullerton City Government set up a community
                    hotline, “1999” ( 為民服務熱線 ), which offers a more effective channel
                    for inquiries and complaints.

                     J = John =約翰

                     L = Mr. Lin, 1999 hotline operator = 1999 話務人員林先生

                     L:     This is the Fullerton Citizen Hotline operator.

                            How may I help you?

                     J:     I have a friend from the Netherlands. He is here visiting and
                            would like information on sightseeing in Fullerton City. I was
                            wondering whether non-citizens can still register to rent Full-

                            bikes with a Full-card?

                            I heard that since the implementation of the name-based

                            authentication policy ( 實名認證 ) international visitors could no
                            longer do this.

                     L:     How may I address you, sir?

                     J:     My name is John Schmidt.

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