Page 32 - Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations (Practical English for Civil Servants - for Junior Civil Servants)
P. 32

Preliminary Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examinations

                      Our system is currently processing             我們系統正在處理您的案件,
                      your case. Please do not hang up.              請不要掛斷。

                      Thank you for your patience.                   不好意思,讓您久等了。

                      Let me repeat your complaint. If you           我將再次複誦您反映的案件
                      cannot confirm the content of the              內容。如案件未複誦確認,

                      case then it can’t be delivered to the         案件將依規定無法受理。
                      agency in charge.

                      A case number and password will be             您的陳情案件編號及密碼,
                      sent to you via text message within            將於 24 小時內以簡訊方式通

                      the next 24 hours.                             知您。

                      If you go to the Hello Fullerton site          您可以登入線上系統「Hello

                      you will be able to sign in with your          Fullerton」,輸入您的案號及
                      case number and password to check              密碼以查看處理進度。

                      the status of your case.

                      The person in charge of your case will         承辦人將會在檢視行車紀錄

                      inform you the result by email after           器的畫面後,透過您的電子
                      inspection of the dashboard camera.            郵件回覆您的檢舉結果。主

                      The relevant authorities will formally         管機關將會在收到檢舉的次
                      reply to you within the next 6 working         日起 6 個工作天內回覆您。

                      days upon receipt of the report.

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